Archives of Marquee Hire For Parties

Mercedes-Benz branded stretch marquee tent at night

4 Important Things You Must Consider While Choosing a Marquee

Make your Auckland event memorable. Get a great marquee hire company! Apart from providing a stylish look to an event, marquees come in very handy during unpredictable weather conditions such as strong winds and rain. A marquee tent within your own garden or lawn area can help you make changes quickly if the weather suddenly […]
Schupepe Tents

How to Choose the Right Marquee for Your Outdoor Party

Outdoor parties are usually refreshing and memorable, but you need to choose the right marquee to make yours a successful event. With their signature style, marquees create a ready-made theme for the party. So, without beating about the bush, let’s get into the heart of the matter quickly.Below, you will learn how you can choose […]
Schupepe Tents


While traditional weddings are becoming a thing of the past, there are some specific traditions that we just can’t do without. There are some rituals that have been passed down that have become an integral part of the marriage ceremony. We LOVE weddings here at Schupepe Tents & Marquees. So we decided to do a […]
Plant seeds in their packets inside plant pots


Does the Bride-to-be have a green thumb? If so, a Garden Shower is the way to go. New Zealand boasts some of the most beautiful landscapes in the world. You shouldn’t have a problem finding a suitable venue. No need to worry about the weather, a Schupepe marquee will keep your bridal party covered in […]
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